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HOME  >  KNOWLEGE  >  About Dental Floss

  About Dental Floss
Dental floss threader is a strand that slides between teeth easily and reaches those niches in one’s mouth with ease.

Effects of Not Flossing

When one doesn’t floss, there are many gum diseases that just waiting to happen. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gum tissue) is a major gum disease that attacks gum that aren’t properly maintained. If this is not treated in time, it leads to a more severe gum disease called Periodontisis (periodontal disease). This is when gum shrink away from the teeth, forming ‘pockets’ that are infected. This further leads to break down of the bone and connective tissue that holds teeth in its place is a result of the body’s response to the infection and the bacteria toxins. If one doesn’t treat this, the whole mouth starts to deteriorate – from the gum, to the tissue, to the bones.

Gum disease symptoms include:

Tender/bleeding gum
Bad breath
Teeth that appear sensitive
Hurts when you chew
Teeth are loose
Gum start to recede making teeth look longer
Swollen gum or those that appear red





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